17 November 2012

Kickin' it casual

Firstly, I would like to bow down to each and every fashion blogger out there, especially those of you who take your own photos for your outfit posts. I truly believe all of you have the grace and balance of ballerinas with incredible core muscles who attend bikram yoga classes on the weekend.

How you manage to take stylish photos stealthily and effortlessly is both baffling to completely unfair to me. You are also most likely incredibly neat and tidy or are very good at hiding it - this in itself deserves a medal.

Attempting to keep up with the times I thought I'd give a timer shot a go, which, in hindsight was probably not the best idea considering the amount of hazardous wires that were on the ground (Good going, S).

This resulted in numerous shots that resembled the following photo (and a couple of stumped toes):

Others shots were just pictures of my disturbing derriere - no one needs to see those.

I would like to formally apologise for the slight slant in the photo, the loaf of bread my camera was sitting on wasn't very cooperative. 

How do you people do it?! 

My apologies, but mirror-shots will have to suffice for now.

Melbourne's weather has been terribly indecisive lately (when is it not...) so this light silk top by Witchery has become a constant companion. It's hooded for when it drizzles, fully zippable (permission to add word to vocab, C?) for when the wind blows and oh so slouchy!

Top: Witchery / Bag: Vjstyle / Shoes: Topshop

Apart from the realising the amount of effort that goes into a single outfit post, I also learnt the following:

a) Running to catch the camera timer is perilous to ones health.
b) I have a complete lack of balance.
c) It ain't easy wiping sunblock off a mirror.

 Thank God for the crop tool.


  1. I thought zippable was already a word ... but HM, Apple is informing me it is not by pure virtue of the dreaded red, squiggly line. Whatever. It's a legit word now.

    Also! Rawkin' outfit post - I feel like I'm looking through port holes!!! GEEEEE-NIUS!


    1. Thank you dearest C!

      The squiggly lines threw me off too - one p, two p's?! Then the rebellious little bean in me decided to do the unthinkable and ignore it *gasp*


  2. Haha, this is really cute though. Props to you for seeing the post opportunity in the errors!


    1. Thank you for stopping by Isa, it definitely wasn't an easy feat!

  3. Love your sneakers and the pop of an orange nail colour!


    1. Hi Charlotte,

      I really can't get enough of these sneakers either! My nails are actually blue & neon pink, but clearly my photography skills are lacking :p

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Hahaha your text is funny!
    dont give up hun, you will find a way!

    >>>>> milna89.blogspot.com <<<<<<

    1. Hi Milna,

      I'm glad you enjoyed the text - it really is the least I could do considering the disastrous outfit post attempt!

      Thanks for the encouraging words and for stopping by, very much appreciated :)

  5. Hehehe I think the real key there is having someone to help you - hence my utter lack of any outfit posts! Having someone who can actually take proper photos and creatively direct you is what makes an awesome photo. Have you tried a tripod and timer? That could be something else too!


    1. Hi Sonia,

      I fear that the lack of anybody to help will result in my lack of outfit posts too :( I will definitely consider investing in a tripod cos a loaf of bread (clearly) doesn't cut it.

      Thanks again for dropping by! xo

  6. hahah my bf takes my pictures, but when he is not around i use the tripod and the timer on the camera! i also hear a remote helps alot!!


    1. Hi Jessica,

      Before I respond to anything, can I just say the redness of your hair is incredible?! HOW... whoa.

      Thanks for the advice! I do have a remote lying around somewhere however, finding it in the cluttered mess that I call my room may take the rest of the year.

  7. since i run the blog with my sisters and there is 4 of us, we take each others photos, but being in vancouver where it rains all the time, sometimes it can be hard, trying to find a day when its not raining!


    1. Hmm, sisters would be useful! Unfortunately I have none and I don't think my brother would be very keen on helping me take outfit pics either... probably worth a shot... ha-ha.

      Hope the weather clears up in your part of the world soon and thanks for the comment :)

  8. Thanks S!

    Had a peek at your blog and now I feel like I need them in white... oh dear.

  9. Such cute sneakers! Want.
    Kudos to you for trying to take your own pics – I'm a disaster at taking my own pictures!

    Sea and Swank

    1. Thanks Susie - "trying" being the key word!

      You should know that you more than make up for not taking your pictures with the gorgeous photos you post on your blog.

      Many thanks for the visit :)

  10. Haha you are so funny. Here's my not-so-secret-secret... I make my husband take my pictures. Which probably doesn't help you, BUT I know that you can buy remotes for cameras to use for the self-timers. That way you don't have to worry about running back to right spot in time! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. Why thank you for sharing your "not-so-secret-secret" Yi-Chia, you are far too kind!

      I do have a remote ... I just don't know where it is. Helpful, I know :(

  11. I'm rather fond of it too, Megan. It's the closest I can get to Alexander Wang's Adele clutch ... for now.

    Thanks for the comment :)

  12. Replies
    1. Thank you, Allison.

      Your pug is the most adorable things I've ever seen! So many different facial expressions! :)

  13. Ha ha... So true. There were some times when I took my pics. I used to pile shoes boxes one on top of the other, over a chair, to get the right height and set the times and take several shots to get atleast 1 right... Sometimes head get cut and sometimes shoes, its so sick... :(
    And just as you say, thank god for crop tool. Anyways, nowadays I have someone to click my shots! :)
    Do visit mine sometime and let me know how are my pics! :)
    I'd love it if you follow too... :)

    1. Hi Bhushavali,

      SO happy hear I'm not the only one struggling with this! I completely understand the trouble you have had in the past with missing body parts :(

      Lucky you have someone snapping your pictures for you now - the pics are looking great and thank you for the comment :)

    2. Hi dear,
      You're not the only one!!! Lolz!!!! :)
      Thanks for the appreciation on my blog!
      Do follow too if you like! :)

  14. Lovely photos dear! Awesome look! Xx


  15. haha this post is so funny! so true, it is hard to take ootd photos by yourself. I'm so thankful my bf is willing to do them for me. sometimes I do take them myself and I swear the self-timer combined with the out of focus situation is sooo frustrating and time-wasting! love your bag and topshop sneakers though. can see them clearly enough and they are gorgeous picks! :D
